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News > February 28, 2025

Via Lusitana launches Pilgrim’s Diary

The Via Lusitana Pilgrim Association has just launched “On my Way”, a journal for the pilgrim, designed for those who want to record their Camino memories in a practical and personal way. In an A5 format, ideal for carrying in a backpack without taking up much space, this diary was created to accompany every stage of your journey.

The diary includes space for preparation lists, important contacts, and notes about the route. It also allows you to write down the names and contacts of the people you meet along the way, describe the most memorable moments, and reflect on the experience. It’s a useful tool during the pilgrimage and a valuable keepsake for later, when you want to revisit the steps taken and the stories collected.

Beyond helping with organization, the diary encourages more personal writing: what inspired you, the challenges you overcame, and the places that touched you the most. Whether for jotting down the essentials or detailing each moment, it’s a companion that will make the Camino unforgettable.

The pilgrim’s diary will be available from March 3 for €10 at the “informação ao Peregrino” center, located at the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Velha, on Rua da Alfândega, in Lisbon. For those unable to visit in person, it can be ordered for home delivery through the website

A simple way to keep, on paper, the stories, people, and steps that the Camino inspires.


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