Source: RTP Notícias
The fire in Penalva do Castelo, involving 191 personnel and 47 ground vehicles as of 12:10 AM, also persisted. Fires in Nelas and Mangualde were brought under control Thursday morning. In Vila Real, the fires in Vila Pouca de Aguiar were brought under control Thursday night after flare-ups, while concerns remained in Alijó and a new fire emerged in Peso da Régua in the Douro sub-region.
“At this moment, everything is under control. Everything is starting to be resolved. We have some personnel monitoring the aftermath at certain hotspots, but perhaps everything will settle down overnight,” said Artur Mota, sub-regional commander of the Civil Protection in Alto Tâmega e Barroso, about the Vila Pouca de Aguiar fires, around 11:30 PM. However, while the situation in the northern part of Vila Real district improved, concerns persisted in the southern Douro sub-region due to a flare-up in Alto de Fiães, which by 12:15 AM involved 87 personnel and 24 ground vehicles.
The fire in Sedielos, Peso da Régua, in the Douro region, remained a major concern. It had already threatened homes and had evolved unfavorably “due to the terrain’s conditions and the fuel,” according to José Requeijo, deputy sub-regional commander of the Douro Civil Protection.
Despite the increase in personnel and resources, the combat was “progressing favorably” by 10:45 PM, with forces being reorganized on the ground, awaiting rainfall or at least greater humidity and cooler temperatures.
In the district of Aveiro, by Thursday afternoon, the complex of fires in Oliveira de Azeméis, Sever do Vouga, Albergaria-a-Velha, and Águeda had been brought under control, followed by Arouca near midnight on Thursday. In the Porto district, fires in Santo Tirso and Paredes were also under control. The fire in Monte Córdova, resulting from one of the flare-ups in Santo Tirso, was controlled by 5:30 PM, while the fire extinguished in Paredes, in the Sobreira area, left 1,300 hectares burned.
Seven people have died, and 166 were injured due to the fires that have primarily affected the North and Centre regions of the country since Sunday, in the districts of Aveiro, Porto, Vila Real, Braga, Viseu, and Coimbra, destroying dozens of homes. The National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) reports five fatalities, excluding two civilians who died of sudden illness.
The area burned in mainland Portugal since Sunday exceeds 121,000 hectares, according to the European Copernicus system, which shows that over 100,000 hectares have burned in the North and Centre regions, accounting for 83% of the total area burned nationwide. The government has declared a state of calamity in all municipalities affected by the recent fires and declared Friday a day of national mourning.